Uniquely identifies authors with the same name (name variants, married authors…) in databases and other systems.
- ORCIDiD (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is an author/researcher profile that uniquely identifies the author and manages his/her activities (publications, affiliations, projects, etc.).
If the ORCID is included in the publication, it is accessible to other systems via the metadata provided. It is searchable in Web of Science, Scopus, RIV and ASEP. Can be linked to other author profiles ResearcherID, Scopus Author ID and then contains an overview of the author’s publication activity.
- ResearcherID is a unique identifier for researchers on Publons (connected with Web of Science). All the publications author add to his/her Publons profile will be linked to author’s Web of Science ResearcherID and someone can use that ResearcherID to find author’s publications in Web of Science and InCites.
- Scopus Author ID distinguishes among similar names by assigning each author in Scopus a unique number and grouping all of the documents written by that author.
The ORCIDiD, ResearcherID and Scopus AuthorID number is given by the author to the institutional ASEP administrator, who then adds it to the ASEP.
Authors submitting results to RIV with publication year 2020 and beyond will be required to include ORCIDiD (RVVI appeal).