Doporučujeme doplnit kódy podle pokynů od autorů v jednotlivých záznamech (rozhodnutí o výběru oboru je na autorovi). K výběru může pomoci převodník kódů – namapování kódů OECD na obory RIV a WOS Categories.
Ústav nemusí mít jednotný obor.
Je nutné zadat nejnižší možnou úroveň – tedy Detailed FORD (pouze pokud třetí úroveň není k dispozici – 10700,40500, 60500).
Za jeden ústav je možné použít u jednoho výsledku jen jeden obor, ale u spolupráce si může každý ústav určit svůj obor. Obory slouží pro hodnocení – v každém oboru se hodnotí trochu jinak.
Převodník oborů OECD / RIV (PDF)
Převodník oborů OECD / RIV (EXCEL)
Kód oboru | Název oboru |
10000 | 1. Natural Sciences |
10100 | 1.1 Mathematics |
10101 | Pure mathematics |
10102 | Applied mathematics |
10103 | Statistics and probability |
10200 | 1.2 Computer and information sciences |
10201 | Computer sciences, information science, bioinformathics (hardware development to be 2.2, social aspect to be 5.8) |
10300 | 1.3 Physical sciences |
10301 | Atomic, molecular and chemical physics (physics of atoms and molecules including collision, interaction with radiation, magnetic resonances, Mössbauer effect) |
10302 | Condensed matter physics (including formerly solid state physics, supercond.) |
10303 | Particles and field physics |
10304 | Nuclear physics |
10305 | Fluids and plasma physics (including surface physics) |
10306 | Optics (including laser optics and quantum optics) |
10307 | Acoustics |
10308 | Astronomy (including astrophysics,space science) |
10400 | 1.4 Chemical sciences |
10401 | Organic chemistry |
10402 | Inorganic and nuclear chemistry |
10403 | Physical chemistry |
10404 | Polymer science |
10405 | Electrochemistry (dry cells, batteries, fuel cells, corrosion metals, electrolysis) |
10406 | Analytical chemistry |
10500 | 1.5. Earth and related environmental sciences |
10501 | Hydrology |
10502 | Oceanography |
10503 | Water resources |
10504 | Mineralogy |
10505 | Geology |
10506 | Paleontology |
10507 | Volcanology |
10508 | Physical geography |
10509 | Meteorology and atmospheric sciences |
10510 | Climatic research |
10511 | Environmental sciences (social aspects to be 5.7) |
10600 | 1.6 Biological sciences |
10601 | Cell biology |
10602 | Biology (theoretical, mathematical, thermal, cryobiology, biological rhythm), Evolutionary biology |
10603 | Genetics and heredity (medical genetics to be 3) |
10604 | Reproductive biology (medical aspects to be 3) |
10605 | Developmental biology |
10606 | Microbiology |
10607 | Virology |
10608 | Biochemistry and molecular biology |
10609 | Biochemical research methods |
10610 | Biophysics |
10611 | Plant sciences, botany |
10612 | Mycology |
10613 | Zoology |
10614 | Behavioral sciences biology |
10615 | Ornithology |
10616 | Entomology |
10617 | Marine biology, freshwater biology, limnology |
10618 | Ecology |
10619 | Biodiversity conservation |
10620 | Other biological topics |
10700 | 1.7 Other natural sciences |
20000 | 2. Engineering and Technology |
20100 | 2.1 Civil engineering |
20101 | Civil engineering |
20102 | Construction engineering, Municipal and structural engineering |
20103 | Architecture engineering |
20104 | Transport engineering |
20200 | 2.2 Electrical engineering, Electronic engineering, Information engineering |
20201 | Electrical and electronic engineering |
20202 | Communication engineering and systems |
20203 | Telecommunications |
20204 | Robotics and automatic control |
20205 | Automation and control systems |
20206 | Computer hardware and architecture |
20300 | 2.3 Mechanical engineering |
20301 | Mechanical engineering |
20302 | Applied mechanics |
20303 | Thermodynamics |
20304 | Aerospace engineering |
20305 | Nuclear related engineering; (nuclear physics to be 1.3); |
20306 | Audio engineering, reliability analysis |
20400 | 2.4 Chemical engineering |
20401 | Chemical engineering (plants, products) |
20402 | Chemical process engineering |
20500 | 2.5 Materials engineering |
20501 | Materials engineering |
20502 | Paper and wood |
20503 | Textiles; including synthetic dyes, colours, fibres (nanoscale materials to be 2.10; biomaterials to be 2.9) |
20504 | Ceramics |
20505 | Composites (including laminates, reinforced plastics, cermets, combined natural and synthetic fibre fabrics; filled composites) |
20506 | Coating and films |
20600 | 2.6 Medical engineering |
20601 | Medical engineering |
20602 | Medical laboratory technology (including laboratory samples analysis; diagnostic technologies) (Biomaterials to be 2.9 [physical characteristics of living material as related to medical implants, devices, sensors]) |
20700 | 2.7 Environmental engineering |
20701 | Environmental and geological engineering, geotechnics |
20702 | Petroleum engineering (fuel, oils) |
20703 | Mining and mineral processing |
20704 | Energy and fuels |
20705 | Remote sensing |
20706 | Marine engineering, sea vessels |
20707 | Ocean engineering |
20800 | 2.8 Environmental biotechnology |
20801 | Environmental biotechnology |
20802 | Bioremediation, diagnostic biotechnologies (DNA chips and biosensing devices) in environmental management |
20803 | Environmental biotechnology related ethics |
20900 | 2.9 Industrial biotechnology |
20901 | Industrial biotechnology |
20902 | Bioprocessing technologies (industrial processes relying on biological agents to drive the process) biocatalysis, fermentation |
20903 | Bioproducts (products that are manufactured using biological material as feedstock) biomaterials, bioplastics, biofuels, bioderived bulk and fine chemicals, bio-derived novel materials |
21000 | 2.10 Nano-technology |
21001 | Nano-materials (production and properties) |
21002 | Nano-processes (applications on nano-scale); (biomaterials to be 2.9) |
21100 | 2.11 Other engineering and technologies |
21101 | Food and beverages |
30000 | 3. Medical and Health Sciences |
30100 | 3.1 Basic medicine |
30101 | Human genetics |
30102 | Immunology |
30103 | Neurosciences (including psychophysiology) |
30104 | Pharmacology and pharmacy |
30105 | Physiology (including cytology) |
30106 | Anatomy and morphology (plant science to be 1.6) |
30107 | Medicinal chemistry |
30108 | Toxicology |
30109 | Pathology |
30200 | 3.2 Clinical medicine |
30201 | Cardiac and Cardiovascular systems |
30202 | Endocrinology and metabolism (including diabetes, hormones) |
30203 | Respiratory systems |
30204 | Oncology |
30205 | Hematology |
30206 | Otorhinolaryngology |
30207 | Ophthalmology |
30208 | Dentistry, oral surgery and medicine |
30209 | Paediatrics |
30210 | Clinical neurology |
30211 | Orthopaedics |
30212 | Surgery |
30213 | Transplantation |
30214 | Obstetrics and gynaecology |
30215 | Psychiatry |
30216 | Dermatology and venereal diseases |
30217 | Urology and nephrology |
30218 | General and internal medicine |
30219 | Gastroenterology and hepatology |
30220 | Andrology |
30221 | Critical care medicine and Emergency medicine |
30223 | Anaesthesiology |
30224 | Radiology, nuclear medicine and medical imaging |
30225 | Allergy |
30226 | Rheumatology |
30227 | Geriatrics and gerontology |
30229 | Integrative and complementary medicine (alternative practice systems) |
30230 | Other clinical medicine subjects |
30300 | 3.3 Health sciences |
30301 | Social biomedical sciences (includes family planning, sexual health, psycho-oncology, political and social effects of biomedical research) |
30302 | Epidemiology |
30303 | Infectious Diseases |
30304 | Public and environmental health |
30305 | Occupational health |
30306 | Sport and fitness sciences |
30307 | Nursing |
30308 | Nutrition, Dietetics |
30309 | Tropical medicine |
30310 | Parasitology |
30311 | Medical ethics |
30312 | Substance abuse |
30400 | 3.4 Medical biotechnology |
30401 | Health-related biotechnology |
30402 | Technologies involving the manipulation of cells, tissues, organs or the whole organism (assisted reproduction) |
30403 | Technologies involving identifying the functioning of DNA, proteins and enzymes and how they influence the onset of disease and maintenance of well-being (gene-based diagnostics and therapeutic interventions [pharmacogenomics, gene-based therapeutics]) |
30404 | Biomaterials (as related to medical implants, devices, sensors) |
30405 | Medical biotechnology related ethics |
30500 | 3.5 Other medical sciences |
30501 | Forensic science |
30502 | Other medical science |
40000 | 4. Agricultural and veterinary sciences |
40100 | 4.1 Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries |
40101 | Agriculture |
40102 | Forestry |
40103 | Fishery |
40104 | Soil science |
40105 | Horticulture, viticulture |
40106 | Agronomy, plant breeding and plant protection; (Agricultural biotechnology to be 4.4) |
40200 | 4.2 Animal and Dairy science |
40201 | Animal and dairy science; (Animal biotechnology to be 4.4) |
40202 | Pets |
40203 | Husbandry |
40300 | 4.3 Veterinary science |
40301 | Veterinary science |
40400 | 4.4 Agricultural biotechnology |
40401 | Agricultural biotechnology and food biotechnology |
40402 | GM technology (crops and livestock), livestock cloning, marker assisted selection, diagnostics (DNA chips and biosensing devices for the early/accurate detection of diseases) biomass feedstock production technologies, biopharming |
40403 | Agricultural biotechnology related ethics |
40500 | 4.5 Other agricultural sciences |
50000 | 5. Social Sciences |
50100 | 5.1 Psychology and cognitive sciences |
50101 | Psychology (including human – machine relations) |
50102 | Psychology, special (including therapy for learning, speech, hearing, visual and other physical and mental disabilities); |
50103 | Cognitive sciences |
50200 | 5.2 Economics and Business |
50201 | Economic Theory |
50202 | Applied Economics, Econometrics |
50203 | Industrial relations |
50204 | Business and management |
50205 | Accounting |
50206 | Finance |
50300 | 5.3 Education |
50301 | Education, general; including training, pedagogy, didactics [and education systems] |
50302 | Education, special (to gifted persons, those with learning disabilities) |
50400 | 5.4 Sociology |
50401 | Sociology |
50402 | Demography |
50403 | Social topics (Women´s and gender studies; Social issues; Family studies; Social work) |
50404 | Anthropology, ethnology |
50500 | 5.5 Law |
50501 | Law |
50502 | Criminology, penology |
50600 | 5.6 Political science |
50601 | Political science |
50602 | Public administration |
50603 | Organisation theory |
50700 | 5.7 Social and economic geography |
50701 | Cultural and economic geography |
50702 | Urban studies (planning and development) |
50703 | Transport planning and social aspects of transport (transport engineering to be 2.1) |
50704 | Environmental sciences (social aspects) |
50800 | 5.8 Media and communications |
50801 | Journalism |
50802 | Media and socio-cultural communication |
50803 | Information science (social aspects) |
50804 | Library science |
50900 | 5.9 Other social sciences |
50901 | Other social sciences |
50902 | Social sciences, interdisciplinary |
60000 | 6. Humanities and the Arts |
60100 | 6.1 History and Archaeology |
60101 | History (history of science and technology to be 6.3, history of specific sciences to be under the respective headings) |
60102 | Archaeology |
60200 | 6.2 Languages and Literature |
60201 | General language studies |
60202 | Specific languages |
60203 | Linguistics |
60204 | General literature studies |
60205 | Literary theory |
60206 | Specific literatures |
60300 | 6.3 Philosophy, Ethics and Religion |
60301 | Philosophy, History and Philosophy of science and technology |
60302 | Ethics (except ethics related to specific subfields) |
60303 | Theology |
60304 | Religious studies |
60400 | 6.4 Arts (arts, history of arts, performing arts, music) |
60401 | Arts, Art history |
60402 | Architectural design |
60403 | Performing arts studies (Musicology, Theater science, Dramaturgy) |
60404 | Folklore studies |
60405 | Studies on Film, Radio and Television |
60500 | 6.5 Other Humanities and the Arts |