METADATA – fields
Tag | Field description | Mandatory | Repeatable field |
200$a | Title of dataset | mandatory | N |
541$a | Title in English | optional | N |
200$e | Alternative title | optional | Y |
700, 701 | Author | mandatory | Y |
608$a | Data file type | mandatory | Y |
101$a | Language | mandatory | Y |
C15$a | Dataset files description | mandatory | N |
C15$b | Dataset files description in English | optional | N |
327$a | Technical informations | optional | N |
856$u | Link | optional | Y |
C76$u | Link to datasets stored in external repository | conditionally mandatory | Y |
C76$z | Name of the repository | conditionally mandatory | N |
U88$3 | Link to bibliographic records in the ASEP repository | conditionally mandatory | Y |
U01 | Link to publications stored in external repository | optional | Y |
C12a | Funding | conditionally mandatory | Y |
C26x | Research area – FORD category | mandatory | Y |
C57$a | Institutional funding | conditionally mandatory | Y |
610$a | Keywords | mandatory | Y |
617$d | Localization – city | optional | Y |
617$a | Localization – country | optional | Y |
U22$a,b | Time period | optional | N |
C81$b | License CC | conditionally mandatory | N |
C81$c | Other open license | conditionally mandatory | N |
C81$e | Custom license/file | conditionally mandatory | N |
C81$f | License note | optional | N |
C81$a | Access to the dataset | mandatory | N |
C81$d | Embargo end date | conditionally mandatory | N |
C60$a | Handle | assigned by the system | N |
001 | System number | assigned by the system | N |
Date issued | assigned by the system | N | |
300$a | Note | optional | N |
C26$g | Administrator note | optional | N |
Agreement with publication in the ASEP | mandatory | N | |
U03c | Software version | conditionally mandatory | N |
U03d | Dataset change description | conditionally mandatory | N |
200$a Title of dataset
The field is mandatory.
The field contains the name of the data file that adequately describes the stored data.
Example 1:
Morphologically Constrained and Data Informed Cell Segmentation of Budding Yeast
Example 2:
Noisy reverberant speech database for training speech enhancement algorithms and TTS models
Example 3:
Fitr: A Toolbox for Computational Psychiatry Research
200 $e – Alternative title
The field is optional and repeatable.
The field’s content is an additional file name that will enhance the information about the files listed in the main title, e.g., the title in another language.
Example 1:
A software package for fitting computational models to behavioural data.
Example 2:
A cross-national macro analysis of the influence of home broadband access.
541a – Title in English
The field is conditionally mandatory.
The field contains the translation of the name of the data file into English. The field has to be filled in if the text is in a language other than English.
700,701 – Author
The field is mandatory and repeatable.
The field contains the surnames and first names of the authors. In the data record, the author who is not from the CAS will be listed with his/her full name and persistent identifiers ORCID and ROR. For the correct entry of the author, we use the author selection from the register (the country on the right next to the author’s surname), only if the author is not listed in the register, we fill in the surname, first name and workplace/country of the author. All authors of the dataset are listed.
Author from CAS: Lhoták, Martin:KNAV-K
608$a – Data file type
This field is mandatory and repeatable. The field contains the type of data files to be selected from the list. Select the generic „dataset“ type if it cannot be specified.
101 $a – Language
This field is mandatory and repeatable. The field contains the code of the language in which the dataset documentation is written. It can be selected from a drop-down list, multiple languages can be specified.
An overview of the language codes is in the table.
C15 $a – Dataset files description
This field is mandatory.
This field contains a summary, annotation, and abstract, which shows what the files are related to and what files the dataset contains. A clear description is used to help users orient and understand, or to cite the stored datasets.
A description of the particular dataset and the structure of the directory should be added. If these are described in a separate documentation file in the dataset (e.g., documentation.txt, readme.txt, ctimne.txt), please mention this file.
This archive contains drivers and configurations for the PALM model validation study done with the observation campaign done in Prague-Dejvice in 2018 and described in the GMD paper The input drivers follow the PALM input data standard which is described on the model website ( The simulations are configured with two nested domains, the files for the parent domain are without a suffix, and the child domain-related files have a suffix „_N02“. The static input files (*static*) contain all static information, such as topography, geographical coordinates, and surface and vegetation information. The dynamic input files (*dynamic*) contain information on the initial state of the atmosphere and on time-dependent boundary conditions. The chemistry input files (*emission*) contain information on temporally and spatially dependent emission of chemical species. The *p3d* files contain the configuration of the model.
C15 $b Dataset file descriptions in English
This field is conditionally mandatory.
The field contains the translation of the file description in English if the description is in Czech or another language.
327 $a Technical informations
This field contains information about the formats of the files to be saved and the options for running them. It is described in which program the files can be run, or whether something else is needed for access.
The dataset contains 3D models in .phy format. The files can be launched with Bioedit, DNASP, or MEGAZ.
C26x Research area – FORD Category
Scientific subject area according to the OECD subject group codebook – Frascati Manual 2015.
The field is repeatable and mandatory for all types of publications.
The content of the field is the code from the discipline codebook valid for CEP and RIV published in the OECD discipline codebook on the ISVaVaI website according to the OECD – Frascati Manual 2015.
OECD / RIV Subject categories Converter (PDF)
OECD / RIV Subject Area Converter (XLS)
856$u Link
This field is optional and repeatable.
The field contains links (URI/URL/DOI/HANDLE) to files that are related to the data.
C76$u Link to datasets stored in the external repository
The field is conditionally mandatory and repeatable.
The field contains links (URL/DOI/HANDLE) to data that will not be stored in the ASEP data repository but are stored in some other repositories, e.g. a subject repository. Only a metadata record describing these data with a link to the data repository, where the datasets are stored will be stored in ASEP.
C76$z Name of the repository
The field is conditionally mandatory.
The content of the field is the name of the repository, where the data is stored.
Example: Zenodo
U01$u Link to publications stored in the external repository
The field is optional.
The field contains links to publications stored in other databases, which were created based on the data in the dataset.
The field is repeatable.
The contents of the field are links (URI/URL/DOI/HANDLE) to files that are related to the data.
U88$3 Link to bibliographic records in the ASEP repository
The field is conditionally mandatory.
The content of the field is linked to publications stored in ASEP that were created based on the data in the data file.
617 $d – Localization – city
This field is optional and repeatable.
The field contains the countries and places (cities) to which the results in the data files are related.
Example: Prague
617 $a –Localization – country
The field is optional and repeatable.
The field contains the countries to which the results in the datasets are related.
A summary of the country codes is provided in the table.
U22 $a – Time period
The field is optional.
The content of the field is the period to which the data is related. The date is selected from the calendar.
610 $a – Keywords
The field is mandatory and repeatable.
The content of the field is a keyword in English (or a multi-word keyphrase) describing as precisely as possible the factual content of the stored data.
It shall be entered as plain English text in lower case unless the spelling requires the use of capital letters (e.g. proper names).
Any number of words may be included.
Each keyword shall be entered in a separate field.
nanoribbons, graphene, ultrafast photoconductivity, plasmon, terahert
The content of the field is a license setup that provides users with information about how they can use the files.
C81$b Creative Commons License (CC)
CC licenses can be used for open access data. If data files are not in the public domain, they cannot be released under a Creative Commons license. Here is the CC License Chooser application which can advise you on choosing a CC license.
In ASEP it is possible to select from the following Creative Commons version 4.0 licenses in the drop-down box.
In comparison to the previous versions, Creative Commons 4.0 is no longer adapted to national legislation so there is only a single version of the licenses and the translation should be purely linguistic.
Attribution | BY |
Attribution-NoDerivatives | BY-ND |
Attribution-Sharealike | BY-SA |
Attribution-NonCommercial | BY-NC |
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives | BY-NC-ND |
Attribution-NonCommercial-Sharealike | BY-NC-SA |
C81$c Other open license
If there is a proprietary license, the agreement must be accompanied by the text of such license, which sets the rules for the use of the file.
Examples (see SPDX, Open Data Commons list of licenses),
C81$e Custom license/file
The field is checked if the data is published under a license other than Creative Commons. The license text file must be saved in pdf format together with the data files. The file must be named licence.pdf.
C81$f License note
The contents of the field are additional information about the license. The field is optional.
C81$a Access to the dataset
The field is mandatory. The field contains the access to the dataset.
On request – the file is available on request. The file cannot be on request if it is published under a Creative Commons license.
Open acces for an institute – The file is available from the IP address of the institute.
Open access with embargo – during the embargo period the file is on demand, after the embargo expires it is immediately downloadable (Open Access).
Open acces means that the file is immediately available for download (Open Access).
C81d Embargo end date
The field is conditionally mandatory.
The content of the field is the date that is selected from the calendar. The field shall be filled in if the dataset will be publicly accessible to the user after a specified period. The field should be filled with the end date of the embargo, after which the dataset will be automatically available.
C$60a Handle
The field contains the handle persistent identifier. It is automatically assigned by the system. The link to the handle is functional the next day.
C12$a Funding agency
The field contains the project from which the dataset was funded. The beneficiary or co-beneficiary of the project must be the author/institution of the CAS. For European projects, the information will be harvested into OpenAIRE.
Funding is provided by domestic agencies from the budget and recorded by the Research and Development Council. The project numbers and providers are listed in the CEP database:
EU projects
The dataset was created with the funding support of European Union projects (e.g. FP7, H2020)
The project numbers and the EU providers are listed in the CORDIS database –
$a Project number
$o EU provider
$e Country = XE
C57a Institutional funding
The field is conditionally mandatory and repeatable.
The field contains the institutional funding under which the dataset was created. The field is repeatable, in case of collaboration, it has to be selected for each institute separately. It is selected from a predefined list.
300$a – Note
The field is optional.
The field contains additional data to the record that cannot be put into predefined metadata fields.
C26g Administrator note
The field is optional.
The field contains information for the processor responsible for processing records in the institute from the person who created the record (e.g. a researcher).
Agreement with publication in the ASEP online catalogue
The field is mandatory.
By checking „agreement“ the author submits the data record(s) to the ASEP administrator for formal checking. Once saved, the record can no longer be accessed. If the data are correct, the processor will publish the record in the online catalogue.
Link to the text of the agreement.
U03c Dataset change description
This field is conditionally mandatory if a new version of the dataset is being created. The content of the field is a description of the changes in the stored files.
The dataset.csv file has been added
U03d Software version
The content of the field is the serial number of the dataset. The field contains the software version number.
Kramerius TEI converter 1.0